Book of Poet Gezlan (eBook)

Excerpts from Ghozlan’s poems

Arabic coffee
My love, can you look at me a little bit, I ask you so answer me, you are gorgeous, but for whom, for me?

He asks with dignity
He asks about me every day with dignity, when I coincidence with him he says I was passing by for the prayer

Don’t go away
Don’t go away don’t leave me in confusion between East and West I lost the North

The smile of my soul
My precious, either all of you is mine or not, I see the signs very well

Poetry passions
I don’t know if the poetry tells about you or if the poetry is running in my heart

Bedwin words
How I’m bewitched with Bedwin words, the letters would iron my heart and burn me

Attractive with a spell
He call for for beauties as he heared of them, his eyes are on the best of them

My eyes into your eyes
My eyes into yours, let me see, turn to me, look at me, did you say you’re confused, upset and always bored

The knight of dreams
My heart beats for you before my eyes see you, next to you, I am shaken by longing in my heart that takes me high

I Didn’t promise you
In my departure my life starts its way and the beginning is the end of all my fear

نوعية الكتاب

نسخة إلكترونية (Kindle)

يتم البيع بواسطة

ديوان الشاعرة غزلان

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ديوان الشاعرة غزلان

لغات الكتاب



464 pages





وزن الكتاب

1.62 pounds

حجم الكتاب

6.36 x 1.55 x 9.6 inches


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لن أهلع. سأكتب أسرع قليلاً ".


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